DATE: JUN 30, 2016 18:30 – 20:00 ADMISSION FREE
This year we are delighted to welcome Sean Rainbird to deliver the lecture on the subject ‘Use it or Lose it: Collections and their Public in an Age of Austerity’.
Sean Rainbird, is the Director of the National Gallery of Ireland. He was formerly the Director of Staatsgalerie of Stuttgart, Germany. He has extensive experience in the management and curation of art collections at a national and international level through the UK and Europe.
Each year FEUVA and the Talbot Rice Gallery commemorate the art historian and former Professor of Fine Art at the University of Edinburgh, Sir David Talbot Rice, with a lecture by a distinguished member of the arts community. Former speakers include Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Europe and External Affairs in Scotland in 2014 as well as Nicky Wilson of Jupiter Arts, Simon Groom of the Gallery of Modern Art.
VENUE: Main Lecture Theatre (E22), ECA Main Building, Edinburgh EH3 9DF